SAFV organizes several programs designed to equip parents with healthy parenting skills, ways to talk to their children about healthy relationships, and opportunities to connect and share resources with other parents.
​School plays a vital role in the development of young people. SAFV is working with schools to create a climate that promotes respect and does not tolerate violence in any form.
SAFV is involved with a number of programs that support men and boys by promoting healthy masculinity, relationship skills, and gender equity.
​SAFV provides free trainings for groups and agencies that have an interest in education about domestic violence, sexual assault, and the effects of violence on children. We also provide an annual community training every fall.
SAFV spotlights women in Sitka that are exceptional at what they do, whether it be a full-time mom, someone who goes out of their way to help you, or just the woman that always says hi to you when you pass by. The only requirement for this is that the nominee identifies herself as female. Remember, we want to recognize the women whose everyday actions and support go unnoticed by the community at large.