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Consent: to give assent or approval
Consent can be a scary topic for parents and guardians to talk about with children, but the concept of consent is very simple—giving assent or approval. That goes with anything in life, not just sexual activity. Having boundaries is healthy and it is important to start early with your children, but what exactly do consent conversations look like for younger kiddos? ​

Why is it important to talk to your kiddos about consent early on in their life?
Teaching kids about consent when they're young instills an understanding of boundaries and empowerment regarding their bodies. They will grow up knowing that it's okay to say no, understanding how to appropriately interact with others, and being more confident and safe in their bodies and sexuality. Talking about consent early on will make kids more comfortable asking questions about consent and sex when they're older, and know how to approach these situations when they arise.
Video Resources
For Younger Children
These strategies can help reduce rates of child abuse and neglect.

Alaska Children’s Trust Strengthening Families
Risk and Protective Factors for Child Abuse
Prevention Child Abuse and Neglect
For information on child abuse, click here.
For information on sexual assault, click here.
For Older Children

Early Childhood:
All Ages:
The Consent Conversation: What Is Consent, and How Do You Discuss It with Kids?
The Healthy Sex Talk: Teaching Kids Consent, Ages 1-21
Talk With Your Kids Timeline
Consent Bibliography from Sitka Library
Essentials for Childhood Creating Safe, Stable, Nurturing Relationships and Environments for All Children
Emotional Injury of Distorted Boundaries

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